MunaiMarkets Afinity Logo Transparent November 24 2024

Pure-play CyberSecurity Software Stocks Portfolio UP 22% YTD – Yes, 22%! Here’s Why

Computer Security concept

Introduction This article highlights those companies that train their models with data from previous attacks to create autonomous systems that can detect if an attack is ongoing based on certain readings allowing them more time to prepare mitigation and response strategies. Check out the videoย How AI is changing the cybersecurity landscape. Constituents Below are how […]

Updated Info On Producer, Developer and Explorer Gold/Silver ETFs & Royalty/Streaming

Gold bullion on pile gold coins at trading chart background

Introduction The performance of 4 gold mining category ETFs โ€“ producer, developer, explorer, and a royalty/streaming companies – provide a complete overview of the sector and they are tracked in the MunAiMarkets Gold/Silver ETFs Portfolio. The MunAiMarkets Gold/Silver ETFs Portfolio The VanEck Gold Miners ETF (GDX): Focus: consists ofย producerย companies that operate fully functioning mines that […]

Unlock Your Potential with a Full Partnership Offer From Lorimer Wilson

MunAiMarkets is a new leading-edge financial site and we’re looking for an individual with the time and enthusiasm to contribute 7-10 articles per week leading to full partnership in 2025 when I retire.

Join us in a unique partnership where your contributions drive success. Experience unparalleled support as you engage with industry experts. Together, we’ll cultivate growth and innovation, ensuring a lasting impact for all stakeholders involved.


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