MunaiMarkets Afinity Logo Transparent November 24 2024

How Much Gold Should You Have In Your Portfolio – None? 5%? 15%? 30%? 65%?

Gold bullion on pile gold coins at trading chart background

Introduction “How much gold should you own?” This article discusses a number of different views on the subject in an attempt to help you answer that question. According to Portfolio Visualizer, gold’s correlation with equities hovers around zero and gold’s correlation with bonds is around 0.3 so owning gold works great for protecting your principal against […]

This Is the ONLY Site That Tracks the Performance Of Cannabis, Ai Hardware, Ai Software, Gold/Silver, Cryptocurrency, Low PEG and Select ETFs In REAL Time!

Envato AI generated image of a stock market experiemcing a risky session

MunAiMarkets tracks the performances of 7 categories (Cannabis, Ai Hardware, Ai Software, Gold/Silver, Cryptocurrencies, Low PEG and Select ETFs) consisting of 88 constituents (76 stocks; 12 ETFs) in  34 portfolios, as follows:  The 3 Cannabis Stock Portfolios 1. The MunAiMarkets Canadian LP Stocks Portfolio: Focus: limited to the 5 largest Canadian LP companies. Constituents: Aurora […]

Unlock Your Potential with a Full Partnership Offer From Lorimer Wilson

MunAiMarkets is a new leading-edge financial site and we’re looking for an individual with the time and enthusiasm to contribute 7-10 articles per week leading to full partnership in 2025 when I retire.

Join us in a unique partnership where your contributions drive success. Experience unparalleled support as you engage with industry experts. Together, we’ll cultivate growth and innovation, ensuring a lasting impact for all stakeholders involved.


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