AI-focused Drug Portfolio Went DOWN 8% w/e Sept 6th

An Introduction According to research from Grand View Research, the AI-powered drug discovery process is expected to grow by a compound annual growth rate of 30% between now and 2030 and, according to Morgan Stanley, should result in as many as 50 novel therapies being brought to market by then and generate...

Psychedelic Compound Drug Stocks Portfolio DOWN w/e Sept. 6th

An Introduction While the psychedelic compound-based drug market is expected to triple over the next few years which should create many winning stocks in the years to come, the stocks of the companies involved are having growing pains. Some Background Shares of clinical-stage companies developing treatments based on psychedelic compound-based...

Our 6-Part Computer Chips Portfolio Was DOWN 2% In August

There are 6 segments involved in the design, material supply, fabrication,  testing, packaging, and distribution of semiconductor devices such as microprocessors, memory chips, and sensors involving multiple companies, each with their own specialized contributions. By Lorimer Wilson Our Computer Chips Portfolio The 27 pure-play stocks involved in the 6 segments...

Our Conservative “Cannabis” Stocks Portfolio Was UP In August

If you would like to make an investment in the cannabis sector but are wary of the volatility it exhibits then consider the 5 tobacco, beer, and distiller/vintner companies that have major investments in the cannabis sector. Their stock performances are steady week after week - and month after month...