
More Sector Articles As Posted On w/e Sept.13th

In addition to being the primary contributor on MunAiMarkets, Lorimer also is a prolific contributor to with additional weekly articles on all things AI, cannabis, psychedelic, gold/silver stocks-related and all aspects of the computer chips related/semiconductor sector. If you want even more original - and timely - analyses of...

Our MunAiMarkets Small Cap AI Portfolio Was UP 15% w/e Sept. 13th

Introduction Micro- and small-cap AI-related stocks jumped in price this week after going DOWN 10% last week in reaction to the August ISM manufacturing index that reported figures that came in below consensus expectations/ That raised fears about the strength of the economy and the greater likelihood that that the...

Our Computer Chips-Related Portfolio Was UP 8% w/e Sept. 13th

There are 6 segments involved in the design, material supply, fabrication, testing, packaging, and distribution of semiconductor devices such as microprocessors, memory chips, and sensors involving multiple companies, each with their own specialized contributions. The MunAiMarkets Computer Chips-related Portfolio There are 27 pure-play stocks involved in the 6 segments and...

AI Forecasts For Gold By Year End Are Modest (But Realistic?)

An Introduction Traditional methods of gold price forecasting involve analyzing historical data and market trends and making predictions based on that information. AI technologies, such as machine learning and deep learning, however, have enabled us to develop more sophisticated models that can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns...

Our Canadian Cannabis LP Portfolio Continued DOWN w/e Sept. 6th

An Introduction The Canadian Cannabis LP Portfolio continues to reel from the August 26th announcement by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that it had scheduled an administrative hearing for December 2nd to consider differing expert opinions on the Justice Department’s proposal that cannabis be re-classified to that of a Schedule...

Our Quantum Computing Portfolio Dropped 9.8% w/e September 6th

An Introduction Tech stocks began to plummeted last Tuesday after the ISM manufacturing index reported August figures that came in below consensus expectations. That raised fears about the strength of the economy and increased the chances that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates. To avoid duplication and wasting the...

Our Computer Chips-Related Portfolio Was DOWN 12% w/e Sept. 6th

There are 6 segments involved in the design, material supply, fabrication,  testing, packaging, and distribution of semiconductor devices such as microprocessors, memory chips, and sensors involving multiple companies, each with their own specialized contributions. Our Computer Chips Portfolio The 27 pure-play stocks involved in the 6 segments are presented below,...