MunaiMarkets Afinity Logo Transparent November 24 2024

These 10 U.S. Cities Have the Largest Share Of Exports to Canada As A % Of Their City’s GDP

‘The consequences of today’s escalation in this destructive tariff war will not be contained to Canada, as much as the U.S. administration would like to pretend,’ said Candace Laing, president and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Their new analysis released Thursday (The analysis was conducted before Trump’s announcement that he was placing additional […]

Trump’s Tariffs – 10 Insights On Their Effectiveness and the Response From Canada

The Reality of Tariffs: They’re Counter-Capitalistic & Foolish – Here’s Why If Trump’s plan is to re-domicile as much manufacturing as possible based on an economic concept called the manufacturing multiplier effect (defined in the article) based on him only enacting short- to intermediate-term tariffs which would, in the end, result in lower tariffs and […]

Take Note, Donald: “History Doesn’t Repeat, But It Often Rhymes” and the Consequences Of These Tariffs Could Well Echo the McKinley Era Tariffs

Introduction More than a century ago, then-Representative William McKinley pursued an aggressive tariff strategy that sought to protect American industry and reduce reliance on foreign imports…The logic was simple: If foreign goods were more expensive, Americans would buy domestic products, fueling economic expansion but the results were not so simple. What follows is a slightly […]

Trump’s Misdirection Regarding Canada’s Zero-Tariff Quota Arrangement With the U.S. On Its Dairy Products

An Introduction Canada has for decades irked U.S. lawmakers with “supply management” policies that support Canadian farmers and protect its dairy, egg and poultry industries from foreign competition and function as major trade barriers above zero-tariff quota maximums to prevent the dumping of such products into the Canadian marketplace.. Zero-tariff Quota Maximums Yes, Canada does, […]

Unlock Your Potential with a Full Partnership Offer From Lorimer Wilson

MunAiMarkets is a new leading-edge financial site and we’re looking for an individual with the time and enthusiasm to contribute 7-10 articles per week leading to full partnership in 2025 when I retire.

Join us in a unique partnership where your contributions drive success. Experience unparalleled support as you engage with industry experts. Together, we’ll cultivate growth and innovation, ensuring a lasting impact for all stakeholders involved.


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