“We Will Survive!”: A MUST LISTEN Parody Song About Trump’s Tariff War With Canada

An Introduction A retired Ontario, Canada, secondary school teacher from Prince Edward County, Gord Moran, has repurposed the 1978 hit by Gloria Gaynor “I Will Survive” with a new version in response to the tariff threat made by U.S. President Donald Trump. It’s an absolute MUST LISTEN and will put a smile on your face […]
MunAiMarkets Is Searching For A New Editor/Primary Contributor/Partner – Interested?

Unlock Your Potential with a Full Partnership Offer From Lorimer Wilson MunAiMarkets is a new leading-edge financial site. We’re looking for an individual with the time and enthusiasm to contribute 7 to 10 articles per week, leading to full partnership when Lorimer retires later in 2025. MunAiMarkets‘ primary focus is on providing articles dedicated […]
Monday Morning’s (March 24th) Musings Mailer from MunAiMarkets – The Paradox of the Lost Sock

An Introduction Isn’t it curious how a single sock can vanish into the abyss of the laundry? It’s not like socks have a mind of their own. They don’t stand up on two feet and decide, “Today’s the day I escape this cycle of monotony” and yet, there they go—disappearing into thin air without even […]
Take Note: A Massive, MASSIVE Explosion/Implosion is Coming Soon!

Introduction Social Synthesist and author Eileen Workman provides answers in this article to two pressing questions I have about Donald Trump. Has he always been this abusive and cruel in his business and political dealings? Why do even thoughtful Republicans embrace him so completely even as he dispenses with law, order, and the American constitution? From […]
Goodbye America: I Won’t Consort with the Enemy – Here Are 7 Reasons Why

Introduction “Where there was once admiration, there is now a firm and angry resolve. Schoolyard bullies don’t want to be buddies. They want your lunch.” wrote Pete McMartin in the following opinion piece, for the Vancouver Sun, entitled “Farewell to my American friends. It’s over” which has been edited and abridged below to provide you […]
Lighten UP! Here Are 6 “Funny Money” Musings That Will Put a Smile On Your Face

Level the Playing Field When Dealing With Your Bank – Here’s How “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so let me level the playing field in my dealings with your bank.” wrote a 98 year old lady (yes, 98!) to her bank manager going on to say, “My latest experience with the bank has […]