Goodbye America: I Won’t Consort with the Enemy – Here Are 7 Reasons Why

Introduction “Where there was once admiration, there is now a firm and angry resolve. Schoolyard bullies don’t want to be buddies. They want your lunch.” wrote Pete McMartin in the following opinion piece, for the Vancouver Sun, entitled “Farewell to my American friends. It’s over” which has been edited and abridged below to provide you […]
Lighten UP! Here Are 6 “Funny Money” Musings That Will Put a Smile On Your Face

Level the Playing Field When Dealing With Your Bank – Here’s How “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so let me level the playing field in my dealings with your bank.” wrote a 98 year old lady (yes, 98!) to her bank manager going on to say, “My latest experience with the bank has […]
Listen Up: It’s A Rich Man’s World!

Listen to the MunAiMarkets theme song and join the rich man’s world!
Update: 15 Things to Give Up for a Happier and Stress-Free You

This site is devoted to presenting investment options to strengthen your financial well being. That being said, however, a meaningful site should share other ways to improve your life to make it the absolute best it can possibly be – and this is one such article. Read it, reflect on it, implement its words of […]