An Introduction
The difference between LPs and MSOs lies in their geographical focus and regulatory environment:
- LPs are cannabis companies based in Canada. They are licensed by Health Canada to produce and sell medical cannabis and operate in a federally legal market, which allows them to access banking services and institutional investors but they are limited to the Canadian market and face strict regulations.
- MSOs are cannabis companies based in the United States. They operate in multiple states where cannabis is legal, either for medical or recreational use. MSOs face a more fragmented regulatory environment, as cannabis laws vary from state to state. They do not have access to federal banking services and institutional investors due to federal prohibition and, as such, have much to gain from country-level reform in the U.S., and are eager to see more welcoming federal laws that will allow their businesses to develop further.
The MunAiMarkets Canadian LP Stocks Portfolio:
- Focus:
- limited to the 5 largest Canadian LP companies.
- Constituents:
- Aurora Cannabis (ACB); Canopy Growth (CGC); Cronos Group (CRON); Organigram (OGI); and Tilray Brands (TLRY).
The MunAiMarkets American MSO Stocks Portfolio:
- Focus:
- limited to the 6 largest American MSO companies.
- Constituents:
- Cresco Labs (CRLBF); Curaleaf Holdings (CURLF); Green Thumb Industries (GTBIF); TerrAscend Corporation (TSNDF); Trulieve Cannabis (TCNNF); and Verano Holdings (VRNOF).
The MunAiMarkets Conservative “Cannabis” Stocks Portfolio:
According to data from a new survey from Gallup 15% of U.S. adults reported that they smoked cannabis in the last week compared to only 11% for cigarettes and 47% said that they have tried marijuana in the past year.
- Focus:
- The following 5 tobacco/beer/wine/spirits companies have invested heavily in cannabis companies in the past few years, as follows:
- Constituents:
- Altria Group (MO) with a 45% stake in Cronos Group (CRON);
- Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) with a $100 million joint venture with Tilray Brands (TLRY);
- British American Tobacco (BTI) with a C$346M product development partnership with Organigram Holdings (OGI);
- Constellation Brands (STZ) with a 39% stake in Canopy Growth (CGC); and
- Imperial Brands (IMBBY) with a 19.9% stake in Auxly Cannabis Group (CBWTF).
Click on the links provided below to access specific information on each portfolio and each constituent in each portfolio:
Portfolio Performances:
To determine the historical Portfolio YTD, 1M, 6 M and 1Y Performances, go HERE, Add Specific Portfolio Symbols, Scroll Down to Portfolio Performance Settings & Click on Calculate Performance, Scroll Down to Portfolio Performance Chart & Specify Time Period and Scroll Down to Returns by Period. Here’s an example.
Constituent Stock Performances:
For current LIVE stock price (updated as it changes) go HERE, Click on Stock Name under Graphic of Portfolio on the MunAiMarkets Home Page
For 1D, 5D, 1M, 6M, YTD and 1Y percentage changes in Stock Price go HERE, type in Stock Symbol, and Click on Time Period
For Stock Price History in Chart Form go HERE, Click on Stock Name under Graphic of Portfolio on the MunAiMarkets Home Page
Constituent Statistics:
Go HERE, Click on the Graphic of Portfolio on the MunAiMarkets Home Page, and Scroll down to Constituent Performance Comparisons
Constituent Financials:
go HERE, type in Stock Symbol, and Click on Financials
- Reasons Behind Constituent Price Changes:
- Go HERE and ask “Why did x stock change price this week?”
Latest Articles:
Go HERE, type in Stock Symbol, and scroll down to Recent News
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