MunaiMarkets Afinity Logo Transparent November 24 2024

Pure-play Quantum Computing Stocks Have Tanked: Already DOWN 22% So Far In 2025! - ARCHIVED

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An Introduction

The quantum computing stocks sector received a boost into the end of 2024 as excitement around quantum computing exploded after Google revealed its latest Willow chip, which it said performed better than its 2019 predecessor at reducing errors: Rigetti Computing jumped by 404% in December for a 1,449% increase in 2024; D-Wave Computing increased by 175% (854% by year end); and Quantum Computing Inc. went up 137% (1,720% by year end. (Before proceeding listen to the MunAiMarkets theme song and get in the mood to join the rich man’s world!)

The above stocks have plunged since then as a result of comments by:

  • Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang who last week said that useful quantum computers are decades away (“If you said 15 years for very useful quantum computers, that would probably be on the early side. If you said 30, it’s probably on the late side but, if you picked 20, I think a whole bunch of us would believe it.”) which was echoed by
  • Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg who cautioned that uses for computers with such capabilities remain years away saying “I’m not really an expert on quantum computing, but my understanding is that’s still quite a ways off from being a very useful paradigm,” adding that many people think the technology is likely a “decade plus out.” Make sure you follow MunAiMarkets on Facebook so you never miss an article.

A Rebuttal

D-Wave Quantum CEO Alan Baratz said Nvidia’s Huang is “dead wrong” about quantum computing because “we at D-Wave are commercial today – not 30 years from now, not 20 years from now, not 15 years from now, but right now, today with major customers such as Mastercard and Japan’s NTT Docomo using our quantum computers today in production to benefit their business operations.” Contact us regarding joining MunAiMarkets as its primary contributor and becoming a full partner.

Baratz acknowledged that one approach to quantum computing, called gate-based, may be decades away but he said D-Wave uses an annealing approach which can be deployed now so, while Huang’s “comments may not be totally off-base for gate model quantum computers, they are 100% off base for annealing quantum computers.” Please support the efforts of MunAiMarkets with a financial contribution.

Before proceeding it is important to answer the question:

What Is Quantum Computing?

Present day “classical” computers operate on a binary system that is equipped with chips that use bits to perform computations. These bits are limited, though, and can only show a value of zero or one, so it takes a lot of zeros and ones arranged in specific orders for a computer to do anything.

The research, development and leveraging of  “quantum” computers is underway, however, operate with subatomic particles that use quantum bits (qubits) to allow the particles to exist simultaneously in more than one state dramatically increasing processing speeds dramatically – and quicker processing speeds mean that computers can tackle more complex problems, improving predictive analytics, pattern recognition and complex optimization tasks.

The MunAiMarkets Pure-Play Quantum Computing Stocks Portfolio

Only 4 companies are researching and developing quantum computers exclusive of anything else* and below are how they performed in 2024 and MTD/YTD in 2025, in descending order, along with their business profiles.

  1. IonQ: DOWN 6.9% MTD; UP 237.1% in 2024
    • Company Focus: planning to build a network of quantum computers accessible via the cloud using trapped-ion technology in its processing units which relies on suspending ions in space using electromagnetic fields, and transmitting information through the movement of those ions in a “shared trap.”
  2. Rigetti Computing: DOWN 35.6% MTD; UP 1,446.9% in 2024
    • Company Focus: specializes in superconducting qubit technology and has developed a suite of software tools and algorithms for programming and simulating quantum computations
  3. D-Wave Computing: DOWN 37.3% MTD; UP 854.5% in 2024
    • Company Focus: focuses on quantum annealing technology
  4. Quantum Computing Inc.: DOWN 40.6% MTD; UP 1,718.7% in 2024
    • Company Focus: developing photonic qubits that offer a number of key advantages over trapped ions or superconducting qubits

Go HERE for a live chart (updated minute-by-minute) of each constituent in the portfolio (Not yet available)

On average theMunAiMarkets Pure-Play Quantum Computing Stocks Portfolio was UP 440.8% in 2024 and is DOWN 22.2% so far in 2025.

*Please note: Our MunAiMarkets Pure-Play Quantum Computing Stocks Portfolio only includes those companies that concentrate all their efforts on the research and development of quantum computing. Companies that are also involved in the research and development of quantum computing but are also involved in other aspects of AI technology, such as Microsoft (MSFT), Nvidia (NVDA), Alphabet (GOOGL), Amazon  (AMZN), Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), IBM, Intel (INTC), Honeywell Int’l (HON), and Baidu (BIDU), are excluded from this analysis to allow for a true comparison of performance by similar constituents.

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