MunaiMarkets Afinity Logo Transparent November 24 2024

Revised: 6 Largest American Cannabis MSO Stocks Now DOWN 91.5% (Yes, -91.5%!) From February, 2021

the cannabis and money

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An Introduction

There are many ways to lose money in the stock market and one of the best ways is by investing in a sector that has experienced a parabolic move in the past from which it has not recovered – and perhaps (likely?) never will – and the American cannabis multi-state operators (MSOs) are a perfect example.

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What Is A Parabolic Move?

A stock goes parabolic when panic buying sets in and prices are driven vertical with an almost complete absence of sellers and this creates a vacuum of buying with traders rushing into a certain stock regardless of price, in fear of being left behind.  While parabolic stocks are attractive to buy because they offer the possibility of making a lot of money in a relatively short period of time, it is dangerous to overstay your welcome as it often marks the end of a move with prices not returning to the ultimate highs again for a long time – if ever. The key in trading such a strong trend is capturing as much of the move up as possible early in the move on the original breakout in price action from a previous range.

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The Cannabis Hype

The hype surrounding the many fledging American cannabis stocks began in earnest in February, 2020,  culminating in a 751.3% increase 12 months later (February, 2021) in the 6 largest such stocks tracked in the MunAiMarkets American Cannabis MSOs Portfolio. That is correct: a 751.3% increase!! That enthusiasm was, unfortunately, fleeting, and by February, 2022 the Portfolio had declined 65.9% and a further 66.2% by February, 2023.

The Portfolio increased somewhat by February, 2024, only to go down from there by 55.7% as of yesterday. That represents a 9i.5% from its peak in February, 2021 and the Portfolio is now trading BELOW what it was when it began its parabolic move back in February, 2021! That is a perfect example of a parabolic curve – up dramatically and down dramatically – ending up at a lower price than when the move began!

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Below are how the constituents in the MunAiMarkets American Cannabis MSOs Portfolio have performed, in descending order, since their peaks in February/March 2021 (as of March 5th, 2025):

  1. Green Thumb Industries (GTBIF): DOWN 81.3% since February 17, 2021
  2. Trulieve Cannabis (TCNNF): DOWN 92.2% since March 11th, 2021
  3. Curaleaf Holdings (CURLF): DOWN 94.0% since February 11th, 2021
  4. Cresco Labs (CRLBF): DOWN 95.4% since February 9th, 2021
  5. Verano Holdings (VRNOF): DOWN 97.3% since February 15th, 2021
  6. TerrAscend Corporation (TSNDF): DOWN 97.5% since February 11th, 2021


The MunAiMarkets American Cannabis MSOs Portfolio is now DOWN 91.5% from its peak in February/March, 2021!

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