An Introduction
A retired Ontario, Canada, secondary school teacher from Prince Edward County, Gord Moran, has repurposed the 1978 hit by Gloria Gaynor “I Will Survive” with a new version in response to the tariff threat made by U.S. President Donald Trump. It’s an absolute MUST LISTEN and will put a smile on your face – guaranteed.
At first, we were afraid, we were petrified
Kept thinking we could never live without you by our side
And we spent so many nights thinking how you did us wrong
Now we’ve banded all together, your tariff made us strong
And so you know , you’re not so great
There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell we’ll be your 51st state
We should have told you this before
You don’t believe this but it is true
You really need our resources, far more than we need you
So now just go, walk out the door
We do not need you
You’re not welcome anymore
Weren’t you the one who instigated these trade fights
You’ll soon grow to regret it, when we turn out your lights
Canada, we will survive
As long as we can think and work, we know we’ll stay alive
We have all we really need; we can live without your greed
We will survive; we will survive
There’s been a change, it’s time you knew
We’re not that fledgling little country still in awe of you
We are now a nation proud, that is happy to be free
You didn’t realize you gave us our own identity
So now just go, we will survive
As long as we can think and work, we know we’ll stay alive
We have all we really need; we can live without your greed
We will survive; we will survive
So, just go, go find the door
We don’t like you, we’re not friendly anymore
Weren’t you the one who tried to give us a raw deal
But you can’t live without our oil, aluminum and steel
At first, we were afraid, we were petrified
Kept thinking we could never live without you by our side
Soon you will realize, you didn’t have a clue
When we sell all our resources, to anyone but you
Just so you know, you’re not so great
There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell, we’ll be your 51st state
We should have closed our border tight
Should’ve sent you on your way
If we had known for just one second, that you planned to make us pay
So now just go, vacate our space
We do not like you, you’re such a big disgrace
Weren’t you the one who tried to hurt us till we cry
Did you think we would crumble, and just lay down and die
It took all the strength we had not to fall apart
Just to try to mend the pieces of our broken hearts
We spent so many nights, crying softly in our beer
Now we realize that we have nothing left to fear
You hit us hard, you knocked us down
but underestimated the Canada you found
Now we’re fucking pissed, and united to the core
We are true Canadians, and we’ll be forever more
So just get lost, and don’t look back
We don’t need you; we are giving you the sack
Weren’t you the one who tried to hurt us, till we cry
Did you think we would crumble, and just lay down and die
When you wake up, you’ll realize
That without all our of resources, you just couldn’t survive
Once you see your foolish trade war, would’ve done far too much harm
Then we the north will welcome you, back with open arms
‘Til that day, we lock our door
You will regret it; you can’t win this tariff war
The Canada we love so much, will never die
We are proud Canadians, we hold our heads up high
Canada, we will survive
As long as we can think and work, we know we’ll stay alive
We have all we really need; we can live without your greed
We will survive; we will survive
We will survive.
Below are some of the 5,807 comments from the post on youtube:
- I’m from Ohio and truly ashamed of the current government of the USA. I stand with Ukraine! I stand with Canada! I detest, and always have, the spoiled toddler who sits in our White House instead of in prison where he belongs.
- I’m an American who supports Canada 🇨🇦.and is mortified by our current administration.
- I’m from Europe. I play this on repeat. Love you Canada. We stand with you and Ukraine.
- Another American here supporting Canada, Greenland, Ukraine,. Stay strong!
- As an American I fully support this video. and, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, the entire world…We are so sorry. Our administration does not speak for the majority of us. Not one iota.
- Germany stands with Canada and Ukraine. Europe loves the strong and polite Canadians.
- The song is awesome. So proud to be Canadian but so humbled how many citizens of other countries commenting with support. Thank you.
- I’m not Canadian but my gosh I’m rooting for all of you. Stay strong and united. You have my support and admiration.
- Please know that so many Americans do not support this administration and love our Canadian friends!
- I’m American and I approve of this video. It’s awesome.
- I am American and mortified of the current administration!! I love and support Canada!!
- An American from WA. Ashamed of the greed, hatred and selfishness coming from our country. Please know that does not reflect all of our values. Proud and grateful Canada is standing up STRONG to the tyrant!! Love you Canada!!
- I’m a Canadian living in the U.S. and I’m sitting in a restaurant with this enormous smile on my face watching this video. I’ve never felt so patriotic before and I’m so proud to be Canadian.
- American here in NY who loves and respects CANADA and am completely embarrassed by this administration. This is NOT who we are. This is who HE IS….. Standing STRONG with UKRAINE, CANADA and MEXICO!!!
- From the Czech Republic. We stand with you. The way trusted friends are being treated is shocking, but not surprising anymore. The unpredictability and betrayal of allies affect us all. Europe has stood firmly with Ukraine and our partners, and we will not turn away. To Canada, to Ukraine, to all those who have stood by their allies—stay strong. Many of us see what is happening, and we stand with you.
- Sitting here in tears. I’m a American who has hated Trump forever. I have 8 generations of Canadian blood flowing through my veins. My forefathers fought and died for Canada. Stay strong.
- As a Brit we stand behind Canada. We are family.
- This is our war cry! If Ukraine can survive years of war with Russia, Canada we got this! Together we are strong and free!
- Tennessee here!! We are not all ignorant, greedy ,bigots who support this evil. I’ve used this song many years to help me survive. Love it!! Canada be proud. This to shall pass!!
- Dearest people in Canada. ‘Hello’ from the Netherlands and we stand with you in this conflict. I’d never thought ‘America’ would ever turn 180 degrees against the real free world (in just less than 60 days). You will never walk alone…!!
- Canada, we love you. You have stood by us in war and in peace. We could always rely on your friendship and help. We hope this terrible chapter of America will soon be forced to end. We are sorry for the insults and injuries you’ve received from this White House’s current occupant.
- United we stand! Not against the USA or Americans, but against Trump and his band of thugs!
- Australia here. Go Canada, we are very proud of you. Be strong
- Scotland stands with Canada 🇨🇦 we stand together against tyranny
- That was fantastic. As a US citizen, I am so disappointed in the US. I can’t even call this my country. It’s not mine right now, it’s theirs. But we are trying to get it back. Stay strong Canada. You have something we don’t – a united citizenry, a united morality, a united pride. We have lost all of that. We have too many generations of hatred, bigotry, racism.
- I’m overwhelmed with patriotism, something I haven’t connected with very often. I’m overwhelmed by the love and support coming from the US coming from Ukraine and coming from the rest of the world. I thank you all elbows up Canada.
- Canadian here and I’m overwhelmed by the support from around the world. Thank you all so much!
- I am an 87 year old Canadian weeping as I listen and read the comments. Thank you ,Americans ,for your support.
- German here. This is so good i’m still laughing. Let’s stand together canada 🇨🇦🇩🇪
- Hi to all of you wonderful Canadians, ~an Australian here. Stay strong as you have so many people on your side. We love you and your fabulous country. This song is brilliant and needs to be sold on line etc. Profits should go to support anti American product programs. MAGA = Make America Go Away.
- Another deeply embarrassed, chagrined, and apologetic U.S. citizen here. I love the spirit in this video!
- YEY CANADA! We Brits, we’re so proud of you.
- Wisconsin here. So many of us stand with you Canada, Greenland, Ukraine, Europe, Denmark, Finland . We are so ashamed of what is happening. So many of us feel trapped here.
- I am Polish and I just love how you mess his plans All best to Canadian brothers and sisters.
- Thank you to our Canadian, Ukrainian, and Georgian friends who show us that pride is earned through courage. Love to our friends from an ashamed American in Texas.
- I’m an American and i approve of this message 🇨🇦🇺🇸
- Go Canada go. You are not alone. The UK and Europe stand beside you. 🇨🇦 ️
- Elbows up, Canada. At least 200 million Americans are with you. Together we can get rid of the TANchurian Candidate.
- Italy stands with CND and admire your melting pot of humanity and respect you standing strong and proud
- Gobs of love from another mortified American! Please know that you have huge support down here. Stand strong, and let us know how we can help.
- Dutchie here. We honor the Canadians that liberated us. We also honor the Americans that did the same, but they seem (partially, as I see many Americans posting here) to have forgotten we are friends. You’re not 51st state, you are Canada.
- Ashamed American here. Love this and I stand with Canada.
- Californian here. This is awesome! I would support California becoming the 11th Province.
- Canada , you WILL survive. This Irish family still proudly stands shoulder to shoulder with all of you and your great nation .
- Loving it, this song, here in Sandusky, Ohio️ Elbows up!!!!!
- Wow! I’m a recent Canadian citizen and super proud of how we push back on our “ally”. Kudos to the song writer and/or the singer, lots of passion here.
- OMG!!! Absolutely brilliant…I’m so proud to be Canadian!